Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lokahi goes to Idaho...

Yesterday was officially the first time we have ever done a show in Idaho. Usually the Warped date of the tour hits in such a way that the overnight drive to it would be impossible for our team to complete. This year however, it fit the schedule, so we decided to give it a go. Get it? Give it a go in Idaho! This is what hanging out in a car with Brian for too long does to you…

We got lots of fans involved with what we are doing, and, importantly, worked to build up a volunteer base for the area, something we really need. All in all, Boise did represent – lots of people joined both ONE and Oxfam, registered to vote and took our information with them.

We also had two great volunteers join us. Graham and Doug go to school nearby and are very involved with Oxfam. They helped us get lots of Oxfam and ONE sign ups – Brian was so impressed that by the end of the day he was asking me, like a little kid, if ‘they could just go on tour with us? Pleeeease?’ Unfortunately, Graham and Doug had commitments that did not allow them to spend considerable time in a car, get next to no sleep, and work set up in parking lots around the country like we do on Warped, so they had to go home, but we hope to see them next summer.

Oxfam and ONE volunteers in Idaho

The weather was by far the nicest part of the day, at least for me. After being beat up by the east coast sun and Midwest blazing humidity, Brian and I were very excited to have a day of mild temperatures…plus, nothing beats driving through the Pacific Northwest.

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