Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bonnaroo Day #4

Bonnaroo wrapped up pretty well for us, despite the fact that we all breathed in about 20 pounds of dust. We were lucky to not only have two great volunteers come out to join us (ONE organizer Kim and her friend Greg) but we also had several awesome ONE supporters who were at the show offer to give up a few of their hours to help us out. A big thanks to all of you that joined us – it was no small feat given the dust and never ending sun!

It was great to talk with so many people from around the country who had come out for the festival, learning about how they know about ONE, or, why they are interested in the issues we are working on. I am always excited to see how receptive and eager people are to support the campaign – even if they have never heard of it before, almost all of those we talk to are interested in getting involved and really resonate with this idea of helping out the world's poorest. It’s inspiring to see how many people have taken the message of ONE and ran with it – organizing in their communities, schools, and so forth. On one my favorite conversations this weekend, in fact, was with a 7th grader from New Orleans who informed me that he ‘knew all about this stuff’ and had gotten his classmates involved!

Again, a big thanks to everyone that helped us out this weekend – we look forward to hopefully seeing you again this summer!

Gnomes can join too.

Also, we signed up some gnomes. That was pretty cool.

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