We had yet another great crew of volunteers come out and join us. James recently completed the Oxfam Change training, and Lacey was involved with Oxfam when she was a student at NYU. Also joining us was Tyler, a Lokahi volunteer that did both voter registration and ONE outreach for us. We also had Goth Mom’s son come join us: Goth Mom is the Warped Tour mom that first offered to volunteer for us back in 2005. She had taken her kids to the show, saw the ONE booth, and asked if we needed help. At some point during the day, Carlos and Jessica convinced her she should get the ‘goth makeover’ being offered by some random vendor that year, and she obliged, thus earning her nick name and some impressive eye make-up. She came back in 2006, and I was bummed I didn’t see her this year. Turns out she had to work, but her son was there, and he offered up an hour of his day to help us out, which was very cool.
Portland also involved piñatas – we are making piñatas for an upcoming ‘non-profit’ Warped Tour party being held in lovely Fresno after the show Wednesday. I can’t say what our piñata is going to be – I think the Invisible Children crew will steal it if we do – but victory is all but guaranteed…
one campaign
lokahi outreach
concert outreach
warped tour
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